A-Z Index

Major in Geography

Program(s) Available: B.A.S., B.S., Minor

Do you ever wonder what makes the world go 'round? Are you curious how the environment impacts human behavior? If so, the geography major might be for you!

Why Study Geography at Northwest

Geography is a holistic discipline that studies the relationship between humans, the unique cultures they construct and the environments in which they live. This major prepares students for a wide range of careers that support the world around us. Northwest offers this general geography major, Geographic Information Science, Economics - Geographic Information Science and Marketing - Geographic Information Science.

This program requires a minor. 

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Geography B.S. (Minor Required)

The Geography program is set up to be interdisciplinary.

This program requires a minor. 

B.A.S. (for transfer students)

For transfer students the Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) is a flexible, individually tailored degree for students pursuing a vocational, technical or associate degree. Coursework for these degrees build on workplace skills and practical career training provided by an associate degree. Students may find a B.A.S. appealing for the following reasons:

  • Shorter time to degree by maximizing the transfer of vocational and technical courses toward a four-year degree
  • Requires fewer Northwest Core courses (general education courses)
  • A personalized and flexible degree plan
  • Cost-effective

Please note this program is not a traditional four-year program. It is structured for transfer students. Check out more on the benefits of our B.A.S. programs.

Minor Programs

Students may also minor in geography or geospatial technology! Both minors are customizable after the completion of the required courses. For more information, visit the Academic Catalog.

Northwest students are Career Ready. Day One.

It definitely provided me with not only the tools to do that research, but to think critically and discover connections that might also affect those situations. This education allowed me to become a holistic person and really work on the areas that I struggle in as well.

Aaron Moser

Aaron Moser

Career opportunities

  • Cartography technician
  • Geography information systems analyst
  • Retail analyst
  • Homeland security
  • Mapping technician
  • Urban planning
  • Precision agriculture specialist

What Can I Do With a Major in Geography?

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

Study Abroad is an opportunity for students to apply hands-on international experience to their own academic development. Two types of study abroad programs are available: faculty-led and traditional.

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

Right Size. Right Price.

We understand college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?